Learn more about our solutions and how we can help you achieve your goals

Data Management

  • Supplement staff capabilities with help from seasoned data hunters and bring in the right data to drive your strategies forward.

    Or, check out these key features available in Kairos, our content and workflow management software

    • Upload internal catalog and relevant metadata

    • Connect to vendor APIs for traditional and alternative data

    • Add entries for proprietary services

    • Conduct searches across all relevant metadata, user notes, and documentation

    • Analyze service capabilities

    • Match services against team needs

    • Create watchlists

    • Set automated alerts

  • Bring on more data, faster, and with less risk. Streamlining communication and facilitating task completion across data management, legal, compliance, IT, procurement, vendors, and other groups can have a meaningful impact on your firm’s P&L. Decreasing sourcing and onboarding times can significantly increase your firm’s competitive advantage and ability to capture alpha. With Kairos, you can:

    • Centralize all relevant information on vendors, services, teams, strategies, support procedures, service issues, usage rights, contract metadata, due diligence notes, and more for one-stop access at users’ fingertips

    • Combine automated workflow routing with the essential information needed to complete tasks without having to surf through a sea of less relevant information

    • Identify bottlenecks and issues so they can be resolved quickly

  • Contracts have a lot of moving parts and offer very little transparency as to whether you have a good deal. Not sure you have the best price? Do you have sufficient protections against price increases, service issues, or rights for your potential future use cases? In doing this for the hundreds or thousands of data services you have and all the relevant information needed for each, you can quickly succumb to information overload and insufficient time to negotiate these optimal terms.

    Have our experienced data team members evaluate your higher-risk, higher-priced contracts for savings and optimization opportunities. Team alongside them and have Archedata train your personnel on how to run a data-driven negotiation with your vendors.

    Additionally, leverage Kairos for the essential data to drive this effectively, including:

    • Vendor spend and performance trends over time

    • Quantitative and qualitative feedback from users

    • User/Team usage

    • Comparable / substitute services

    • Service issues and timeliness of resolutions

    • Relevant changes to the data set

    • Key vendor and stakeholder communications

    • Utilize preconfigured flightpaths for various request types

    • Route information to relevant parties

    • Autogenerate contract and due diligence renewal tasks

    • Initiate end-user polling and inventory certifications

  • Whether employees are vacationing or have left their jobs, ensure the relevant information doesn’t leave the firm and in-flight tasks can continue with minimal delays.

    • When sourcing vendors, qualifying services, running trials, negotiating with vendors, or any number of other key tasks are being completed, ensure the relevant information from each step is documented centrally and you know where opportunities are within the cycle.

Legal and Compliance

  • Create a central repository of all your contracts along with the key metadata to help aid teams in understanding the relevant terms and conditions without having to read lengthy documents. Renewal dates and notice periods are just the start. Having usage rights, business restrictions, special terms, location information, authorized users/teams, derived data, redistribution rights, and more at your fingertips can save time and avoid any misinterpretation of the rights you have. This also reduces potential audit issues and unexpected expenses.

  • Conducting effective vendor due diligence is an important part of the initial sourcing and procurement processes as well as your ongoing obligations to be in-line with regulatory requirements. Recent SEC guidance on alternative data diligence procedures suggest firms need to:

    • adequately memorialize diligence processes with respect to alternative data service providers and follow such processes systematically and consistently

    • have policies and procedures regarding assessment of terms, conditions or legal obligations for alternative data collection and provision.

    • demonstrate via documentation the consistent implementation of policies and procedures related to alternative data service providers throughout the lifecycle of the data.

    With Kairos, you can have a:

    • Purpose-built dashboard to understand your workload, priorities, and due dates

    • Central repository for due diligence materials, including DDQs, notes, risk ratings, etc.

    • Consistent methodology and application of it across vendors/services

    • Automated task assignments to re-perform due diligence activities

    • News monitor for alerting when something may adversely affect a vendor’s risk profile

  • Whether it is time for a full contract renewal or to re-perform due diligence on a vendor/service, Kairos can set automated tasks and have your past contracts, DDQs, and notes at your fingertips. Assign them to the same resource or split the workload as you see fit.

  • Ensure all the relevant information is at your fingertips and combine with our workflow management solutions to enable stakeholders to bring together all of the relevant information needed for your work activities. Understand key risks, data changes, service issues and more. Easily pivot to competitors’ updates and any issues relevant across data service categories.

  • Management scandals, lawsuits, mergers and acquisitions, data collection and supplier problems, privacy concerns and more can affect your view on the risk from a particular vendor. Monitor these key events and have them delivered directly into your workflow so you can manage their potential impact for your firm.

Portfolio Teams

  • Search across your firm’s in-house data or the thousands of other data sets available in the market.

  • Not all data sets are uniquely alpha generating or are priced the same. Understand competing services and whether their capabilities can offer a better return profile for your team.

  • Don’t miss out on an important update to specific data sets or data categories that may benefit your portfolio. Set automated alerts for more efficient use of this information.

  • Discover something you like in the catalog? With a few clicks from that entry, you can initiate a request for more information, a trial, or a contract. This is routed immediately to your data team where an automated flightpath helps expedite the processes across the data team, legal, compliance, and procurement, along with IT, service provisioning, and business approvals, as necessary. Shrinking this onboarding time and enabling you to begin exploiting the data more quickly can have material results to your performance.

  • Easily understand your user and team data spend over time as well as any service issues, vendor interactions, product changes, user sentiment, and usage information, as applicable over time to help you make informed decisions about its use, potential renewal, and any relevant contract provisions of which the data and legal teams should be aware.

Information Technology

  • Kairos is a highly adaptable solution designed to be administered and configured by business users. Everything from dashboard layouts to workflows and automation can be done with just a few clicks by permissioned users directly or with Archedata’s guidance, enabling your IT staff to focus on its higher value-added activities.

  • Kairos utilizes your existing web application and integrates into key elements of your enterprise stack, including Single Sign-On and Active Directory, leading ticketing systems, and Outlook as well as data from your HR and accounting systems.

  • Scale easily while protecting your firm’s intellectual property.

    Kairos is deployed and managed within your virtual private cloud. There is no direct outside access to your critical data, enabling users to collaborate with sensitive information.

    In addition to a robust RBAC model, Kairos’ security framework also allows for permissioning at individual records or even parts of records across specified users, teams, or the firm.